Healing Naturally with Dr Nisha Manek
Hello beautiful Creators! Have you wondered why disease exists regardless of the advances in medicine? Or why your body never seems to get rid of inflammation, the origin of most illnesses? As a society, we have come to expect and accept that more and newer chemicals will solve the inflammation problem. Indeed, chemical medicine is a central pillar of modern medical care.
In this episode I'm joined by Dr. Nisha Manek, who shares her journey of discovery around the underlying causes of illness are energy deficiency. Think of your body like a battery. A rundown battery cannot maintain health. Energy is all around you. But it’s not all equal.
Dr. Manek's Rheumatoid Relief course gives you the keys to immense sources of healing energy. If you are concerned about inflammation, this is the course for you. Become a master of energy, and you will free yourself from misery.
The course will start January 16, 2023. The spaces are limited to twenty to ensure all participants have ample time to ask their questions during the weekly live meetings with Dr Manek.
Click here for more info and to register:
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Link to my book: https://www.amazon.com/Era-True-Creator-Ascending-Consciousness/dp/198420789X
My Instagram: http://instagram.com/allisonholleycreator